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Cyber security is a system that confidently safeguards the private information of society. It covers the activities of
practically all the citizens around the globe. It provides enormous chances of improving and enhancing human development
as well as achieving better difference in the information society. This also supports to widen the access of education and knowledge,
as well as to develop the strategies and policies. It can define all the activities concerning the reduction and prevention
of threats and vulnerabilities. Its secondary tasks is to enforce policy protection, exhibit responses to incidents, assure
the recovery of data, and the administration of law, military and intelligence operations which concerns the security of cyber space.

The lack of security in the cyber space cause lots of problems in the society. It undermines confidence in the information society.
Cases of intrusions all over the world which includes stealing of money, assets, sensitive military, commercial and economic information,
even the infamous theft identity. But some of the cyber threats can also be unintentional due to vulnerabilities ang negligence.
However, it can also be intentional like direct attack to systems, gaining access to systems and stealing crucial data to make illegal financial
transfers, to disrupt records, or to manipulate data and code in order to introduce harmful instructions, Cyber Security's main job is to protect
all confidentialities from the intruder who plans to steal the identity and put a person's life at risk. Special attention is needed to prevent the danger
of state and citizen, and to avoid the appearance of a cybercrime from ever happening in all aspects. The cyber space is the domain generated from the
interconnection betweencomputers and telecommunication network to save data through systems and connect to physical infrastructure without being
tied to physical geography.

Moreover, cyber security is very important because without any conception to the issue you are waiting to be attacked by hackers unknowingly.
This could take place anytime and sometimes you are caught off-guard. There is nothing you can do whether you are being breached but to just
deal with the fallout.The culprit or even criminal organisations all over the world know that they can make money in cybercrime. These criminals
are highly known for their capacity to execute the stealing and extortion all at the same time. These can be done though malware that logs your
keystrokes, giving your banking and credit card details to the criminals. Also, via ransomware that encrypts your data files while they are still
on your computer and the only way to redeem it is to pay other criminals to unlock them. However, today computers come with some form of protection
technically through anti-virus software and yet the chance of being attacked continue to grow. Anti-virus software are a strong firewall and network
management practices are vital but not the sum of the solution. The fact that the growing number of file breaches are caused by human errors, these
means that no matter how confident you are that your network is secured one wrong click, or one malicious email can give the criminal a chance breach
or hack your data and network.

Graphic depiction of cybersecurity